The New Year Post

I had my first ever New Years' Eve outing this time. With a 15 km ride on a Pulsar, dinner at Food Village, an auto driver who desperately wanted to beat the Pulsar and later, listening to free trippy songs a DJ dished out and a countdown that I could barely hear followed by a dirty beach where we did absolutely nothing and a few circus stars on the roads, 2009 happened.

Happy New Year 2009!


  1. oh btw, this is your secret secret admirer

  2. oh oh i am so macho!

  3. Happy New Year, Leela.

  4. @Abhishek
    Yes, I sure did.

    And so is your comment.

    Same to ya, Plucky!

    @Secret secret admirer
    Vani, cut it out! :P

    Thanks! :)

    Thanks! :)
